Monday, 12 December 2011

Amplifier, Mojo Fury & Cyril Sneer @ The Hop & Grape

Amplifier played a storming set last night. The had a fair good go at filling out the Hop & Grape and spend a good hour or so shaving the top of my hearing range, (to excellent effect I hasten to add). Mojo Fury also played a storming set. Album bought and signed, thank you very much. It is a shame though when you see such good bands, and people who are stood about who are too cool to enjoy themselves. I remember when people used to 'pogo' at gigs (for you kids out there, that means the whole audience used to jump up and down, in time with the music!) Anyway, after a while I had had enough of it and though I'd go and enjoy myself down at the front, even if no-one else did, and I must say it's didn't half put a big grin on the face of Mr. Balamir. 10/10