So, the prototype board finally arrived for the power supply. Unfortunately the spacers that I had intended to use wouldn't fit in the tiny holes already provided, and the holes in the board were so close to the edge that I couldn't just drill them out, so I have drilled out some little holes a bit further in, not ideal, but still was just about right. I'm only loosing a small amount of space, and in the project space isn't at a premium, so it doesn't matter. I have found the pillar drill at work so no more excuses for shoddy hole drilling! Although they seem not to have any kind of vice or clamp over there, so i will have to source something like that if I want to drill a huge hole in the wooden front panel for the pots. Here is a picture of the idea anyway, probably small components and op -amps and stuff on the bottom, and big power hungry components on the top, so that I can get maximum air flow around them, for cooling.

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